How to Thrive in an Upside-Down World: Replacing Mis-Education with Truth & Practical Life Skills

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A practical guide with links to carefully curated resources. Debunks the lies and propaganda we were taught is school. This book is intended for people trying to sort out fact from fiction and those wanting to home educate their kids with integrity.

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Most of what is taught in school is designed to confuse and mis-educate us. We get out of school with a mistaken view of how the world and nature operate. We plod along the boring treadmill of college and corporate jobs that is presented to us. We deserve so much more! We deserve to thrive and enjoy our lives.


Meet Caprice Thorsen

Chapter 1: The Lies Stop With Us

  • The Nature of Evil
  • Team Life vs. Team Death
  • The Invisible Prison Around You
  • How the Lie Works - The Dialectical Attack
  • The Mis-Education of Schooling
  • It's Easy to Reproduce Propaganda
  • Manufacturing Consent by Weaponizing your Perception
  • Smartphones, Social Media & Wellbeing
  • 10 Reasons to Re-Educate Yourself & De-School
  • The Gift of Reason: Question Everything
  • Resources & Links

Chapter 2: Put on Your Spiritual Armor

  • Replacing God with the State
  • Demons are Real
  • The Degradation of Culture
  • Vice Pretending to be Virtue
  • The 8 Tempting Thoughts
  • Outwitting the Devil
  • The Invention of Sex Education
  • Warning: This is Dark and Important
  • How You Were Programmed
  • Deprogram Yourself
  • Resources & Links

Chapter 3: Learning to Thrive

  • What is Real? What is True?
  • You Are Not Your Body
  • How the Mind Really Works
  • The Missing Link: Identities
  • The Role of Emotions in Learning & Life
  • The Art of Learning
  • You are a Genius!
  • The Power or Attention & Intention
  • Creativity and Problem Solving
  • Resources & Links

Chapter 4: How to Design a Life you Love

  • Moving from a Schooled to a Learning Perspective
  • 10 Blocks to Thriving
  • Designing your Life

Chapter 5: The Real History of Empire, Government & Money

  • The Real History
  • Resources & Links

Chapter 6: Real Science, Health & Wellbeing

  • The Fake Cartoonish Science We are Fed
  • Vaccine Science
  • Real Science
  • The Universe is Electric & We are Beings of Light
  • Secret Life of Plants
  • Resources & Links

Chapter 7: Practical Life Skills

  • Be Self-Sufficient
  • Resources & Links

Chapter 8: Educate Your Own

  • Design Principles
  • Natural Phases of De-Schooling

Chapter 9: The 7 Liberating Arts: Trivium & Quadrivium

  • What are the Trivium & Quadrivium?
  • Resources & Links

Chapter 10: Reading, Writing & Communicating

  • Reading
  • Phonics is the Key
  • What is Dyslexia?
  • Writing & Communicating
  • Resources & Links

Chapter 11: Mathematics: Why Most People Don't Homeschool

  • Math is God's Language
  • Resources & Links

Appendix: More Resources (links to books, documentaries, videos, article, podcasts)

  • Secret Societies & Ancient Bloodlines
  • Enlightening Websites
  • My Favorite Substack Channels
  • My Favorite Podcasts
  • The Dark Story of Government Schooling
  • How to Educate in a Healthy Way
  • The Legal Stuff of Homeschooling
  • Innovative Online Learning for your Kids
  • Home Education Curriculum Guides & Online Stores
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This is a practical guide to thriving in a world that is designed to deceive and enslave us.

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How to Thrive in an Upside-Down World: Replacing Mis-Education with Truth & Practical Life Skills

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