Profile PictureCaprice Thorsen

Caprice Thorsen is highly schooled and realized at age 30 that schooling had disconnected her from her inner wisdom, creativity & imagination. She offers home education support, emotional healing coaching, and business consulting. Connect with her at Before she left the corporate world in 1998, she worked for two boutique consulting firms and two U.S. Senators. Past clients include individuals and teams from IBM, Xerox, AT&T, Marriott, Ford Motor Company, University of California, Market-Bridge, Awakening Wisdom, and Alma Education International. Caprice co-founded a Sudbury school, started a self-directed learning center, got $500,000 to start K-12 two charter schools, co-created a global coaching program for homeschooling families, and home educated her daughters. Caprice received an MBA in finance from Carnegie Mellon and BAs in Cultural Anthropology and International Relations from the University of Virginia. She has been a certified Personal and Professional Coach (CPPM) since 2000, having received her coaching training from the Newfield Network. Now is the best time to create your own venture outside of the matrix and the very best time to home education your children. If you feel any fear or hesitation, consider taking one of my online courses or scheduling a coaching session with me.


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